Enrolment Form All fields are required when submitting the enrolment form. Make sure you have a copy of your child's Birth Certificate and Immunisation Card to attach. Child's Details Child's Name: Sex: MaleFemale Date of Birth: Home Language: Parents/Guardian Details Mother's Name: Father's Name: Mom's Work Phone: Dad's Work Phone: Mom's Cell: Dad's Cell: Home Phone: Email: Residential Address: Medical Details Medical Aid Name: Medical Aid Number: Main members name and initials:: Preferred hospital: Name of G.P: G.P. Phone Number: Any Known Allergies: Upload Medical Documents Attach Child's Birth Certificate: Attach Child's Immunisation Card: Maximum file size 10MB ( jpg, jpeg, png, gif, pdf, doc, docx) Signature of Parent/Guardian: Use your mouse or finger (mobile) to sign the form below: Signature Date: How did you hear about Mighty Munchkins? Δ Share this:TweetWhatsAppEmailPrint